Thursday, September 24, 2009

Albums from the recently deceased DJs

I have located some links where you can download albums of DJ AM and Roc Raida. Check them out and you will understand just how much of an impact these DJs had on the hip hop community.

I have been listening to TRV$DJAM's FIX YOUR FACE 1 for about six months now, and I love the transitions DJ AM creates as he moves from track to track. Mix DJs should take notes when listening to this album's flow.

FIX YOUR FACE 2 I just picked up the other day. I am not sure that I like it as much as the first one, but it still shows AM's honed skills in mixing and it may be one of the last recordings of his mixing before his death.


Roc Raida's 52 Beats is new to me. I actually just picked it up, and what I can say about it is that it stands as a testament of his amazing skills. I hear a lot of old school in this mix. I am sure that many of the techniques and patterns that you hear in this album were heard for the first time when Roc and his fellow Xecutioners debuted them and buried some poor unsuspecting DJ crew in a battle. He was not a follower, he was truly a leader and a pioneer, and this album contains some breaks, samples, and scratches that are the real definition of the phrase 'True School.'

Roc Raida - 52 Beats



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